Did you know that you can load cash onto your Cash App card (aka Cash Card) at MANY local and national retailers across the United States?
This includes Walmart and Walgreens to name just a couple.
Where Can I Load Paper Money On Cash App?
There are several retail locations, many of them big regional or even national chains, where you can load physical cash onto your Cash App.
You can load your Cash App Card at:
- 7 Eleven
- Family Dollar
- Dollar General
- GoMart
- H-E-B
- Kwik Trip
- Rite Aid
- Sheetz
- Speedway
- StopNGo
- Thorntons
- Walgreens
- Walmart
But that isn’t all of them.
You can use Cash App to help you track down locations near you (I show you how next).

How to Find Locations for Adding Cash to Cash App
To find “cash-friendly” locations near you by using Cash App:
- Step 1: Open Cash App and log in to your account.
- Step 2: Click on your current account balance in the bottom left corner of Cash App.
- Step 3: Scroll down and tap on “Paper Money”.
- Step 4: Use the map and your GPS location to find places near you to add cash to your Cash App. Then, tap on the location you are at or planning to go to. I DON’T recommend you tap on the green “show barcode” button here (I’ll explain why below).
Later in this post, I’ll show you EXACTLY what to do next to add cash to Cash App.
Can I Add Cash to My Cash App at a Gas Station?
Yes, you can add cash to your Cash App at supported gas stations such as 7 Eleven.
To find supported locations near you, open Cash App and tap on your balance in the bottom left corner.
Then choose “Paper Money”. This will bring up a map showing supported locations near you.
Can I Add Money to My Cash App at Dollar General?
Yes, you can add money to your Cash App at Dollar General at most, if not all, locations.
Dollar General is one of the officially supported retailers.
However, to double-check to ensure you can deposit at a location near you, tap on your balance in the bottom left corner of Cash App.
Then choose “Paper Money” to bring up a map showing deposit locations near you.
Can You Add Money to Cash App at 711?
Yes, you can add money to Cash App at most, if not all, 711 locations.
To find a location near you, open Cash App and tap on your balance in the bottom left corner of the app.
Then choose “Paper Money” which will show you a map with all of the supported deposit locations near you.
Can You Add Money to Cash App at Walgreens?
Yes, you can add money to your Cash App at Walgreens.
Walgreens is one of the officially supported retailers that allow you to deposit physical cash into your Cash App account.
To find a location near you, open Cash App and tap on your balance in the bottom left corner of the app.
Then select “Paper Money” to bring up a map of all the supported deposit locations near you.
Can You Add Money to Cash App at Walmart?
Yes, you can add money to your Cash App at Walmart.
Walmart is one of the officially supported retailers that allow you to deposit physical cash into your Cash App account.
To find a location near you, open Cash App and tap on your balance in the bottom left corner of the app.
Then select “Paper Money” to bring up a map of all the supported deposit locations near you.
How to Add Cash to Cash App In-Store
Now that you know WHERE you’re going to add your cash to your Cash App, the next thing to know is HOW to add cash to Cash App once you get there.
Most cashiers SHOULD know this process but if they don’t, it’s good for you to know just in case.
I mean who wants to waste their time being turned away because the cashier doesn’t know how?
I know I don’t.
Here’s how to add physical cash to your Cash App account in-store:
- Step 1: After you’ve tapped on the location you’re at or planning to go to using Cash App (Remember I showed you how in the section above), it will bring up a window with driving directions as well as details about where in the store you’re supposed to go to make your transaction. This is why I suggest NOT tapping the green “Show Barcode” button in the section above (you’d miss important info).
- Step 2: Once in the store, tap on the “Show Barcode” button. You don’t want to do this too early because the barcodes do expire after a period of time.
- Step 3: Go to the designated area found in step 1. Then explain to the cashier that you’re wanting to add cash to your Cash App and ask them to scan the barcode.
- Step 4: Hand the cashier your cash and they will add that amount to your Cash App account.
That’s it!
Funds should be available immediately in your Cash App (or almost immediately anyway).
It is recommended that you keep the receipt from the cashier just in case there are any issues though.
Don’t forget…
Adding cash to your Cash App like this ISN’T free and will cost you a fee.
How Much Does it Cost?
When you add physical cash to your Cash App account in-store, each transaction will include a $1 fee so make sure to factor that into the funds you are planning to deposit.
What Are the Limits?
When depositing physical cash into your Cash App account, you must deposit at least $5 and at most $500 per deposit.
Additionally, you can deposit up to $1,000 per rolling 7 days and up to $4,000 per rolling 30 days.
The 7 and 30-day limits are based on a rolling time frame which means they start at the time when you make each deposit.
If you ever run into an issue where you are exceeding a deposit limit, Cash App will send you a notification letting you know.
Can I Add Money to Cash App Without a Debit Card?
Yes, you can add money to Cash App without needing to use a debit card.
Instead of using a debit card, Cash App provides you with a bar code that a cashier at one of the supported retail locations will scan which will allow you to add money to your account.
Why Can’t I Add Paper Money to Cash App?
If you are having problems adding paper money to Cash App, there may be a couple of reasons.
First, ensure you are at one of the supported retail locations that allow you to add physical cash to your Cash App account.
If you are at one of the supported locations and it still isn’t working, you may have exceeded your 7-day or 30-day rolling limits.
If this is the case, typically Cash App will automatically notify you but it’s something worth double-checking.
Either way, I would suggest contacting Cash App support to attempt to figure out the problem.
To contact Cash App support, you can do so from within Cash App by tapping your profile icon in the top right corner of the app, then tapping “Support” and scrolling to the bottom to “Start a Chat”.
Contacting Cash App Support
If you are having problems adding physical cash to your Cash App, the best thing to do is to contact Cash App support to try to diagnose the problem.
To contact Cash App support:
- Step 1: Open your Cash App and tap your profile icon in the top right corner of the app.
- Step 2: Scroll down and tap “Support”.
- Step 3: Search for an answer to the issue you are having or scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Start a Chat” to discuss the issue you’re having with a Cash App customer support agent.
Wrapping Up – Where Can I Load My Cash App Card?
- Adding physical cash to your Cash App account is a relatively simple process. Cash App makes it easy to find locations near you to deposit your money into your Cash App account.
- It will cost you $1 each time you deposit cash into your Cash App account, and there are rolling limits to keep in mind. It’s recommended you keep your receipt when making a deposit.
- If you ever have any problems depositing money into your Cash App account, your best option is to contact Cash App support to find out what’s going on.