Cash App Routing And Account Number
Cash App Routing number is 073923033 for Lincoln Savings Bank and 041215663 for Sutton Banks to streamline user transactions. To find your specific Cash App routing and account number: Go to your My Cash. Click on “Get Account Number”. Tap Enable account to view and copy.
Does Cash App Have a Routing Number and Account Number? In this article, I will show you how to locate your Cash App routing number and set up direct deposit for your account.
Key Takeaways:
- Cash App partners with Sutton Bank (routing number: 041215663) and Lincoln Savings Bank (routing number: 073923033) for transactions.
- Your Cash App routing and account numbers are required for setting up direct deposit for your paycheck and other financial transfers.
- To locate your Cash App routing and account numbers, access the “Money” tab in the app.
- If you can’t find your routing number, ensure that you have an activated Cash App Cash Card, as it’s required for some functions.
- You can order a Cash Card through Cash App, and once activated, you’ll have access to your routing and account numbers.
- Setting up direct deposit for your paycheck requires filling out a Cash App direct deposit form and emailing it.
- For other deposits, like tax returns, you can provide your routing and account numbers for direct transfers into your Cash App account.

Does Cash App Have a Routing number?
Yes, Cash App routing number is 073923033 for Lincoln Savings Bank, and is required to enable direct deposit and make hassle-free payments.
Apart from the Cash App Bank name, they also inform you about the successful direct deposition of the paycheck and you need to share your Routing details with your employers to receive the automatic withdrawal of paychecks on a monthly/ weekly basis.
Note: You need to have an activated Cash App Visa Debit card to locate your routing number and enable Cash App direct deposit. In other words, Cash App account and routing number and Cash App Bank name will be visible only for a verified account and activate the service of direct deposit on their personal account.
How to Find Your Cash App Routing and Account Number: Step-By-Step Tutorial
Here are the steps to find your Cash App routing number:
Step 1: Open Cash App on your Phone.
Lauch the Cash App on your mobile device.
Step 2: Find the “My Cash” Tab in the Bottom-Left Corner of the Home Screen
Tap the “My Cash” tab at the bottom of the screen. It usually looks like a dollar sign ($) icon.
Step 3: Click on the “Cash” button with the green dollar icon.
Select the $ icon tab.
Step 4: Select the “Direct Deposit” section and click on “Get Account Number.”
Scroll down to the Direct Deposit tab and Your Cash App balance will be displayed at the top of the screen. Just below your balance, you should see your account and routing numbers. You can tap on these numbers to view them.
Step 5: Click “Enable Account.” Next, Tap on “Copy Account Details”
From the pop-up screen, it will display your account number. Next, you can copy it by tapping on it.
Step 6: Tap on “Copy Routing Number”
Next, after you have copied it on your clipboard, paste it into a notepad or write it down for safekeeping.
How to Get a Direct Deposit Form?
- Launch Cash App
- Go to the Banking tab on your Cash App home screen
- Click Deposits & Transfers
- Select the “Get Direct Deposit Form”
- Next, Fill out your employer information and the amount to be deposited from the paycheck, and enter your signature
- Click on the Email Form and enter your recipient address.
- Tap send to share it with your employer or check issuer in order to activate your direct check withdrawal service.

Can you change your Cash App routing number?
Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no option to change your Cash App routing number. Also, If the tax return is submitted by you, you can’t change your account and routing number.
Your scheduled direct deposits are automatically refunded back to the IRS if you provide incorrect information about your account and routing number which is already disabled.
In this case, you will receive the refund check in your email.

Why is my Cash App Routing Number not Showing?
Below are the reasons why you may not be able to see your account number on your Cash App account:
- Double-check if your device is connected to the Wi-Fi or the internet.
- Update your app to the latest version from the Play Store or App Store.
- Sometimes, it can be due to a server error or a technical glitch on their end.
- If none of the above are your issue, you need to reach out to Cash App customer service for more help.
Why is the Routing Number Important?
Routing numbers come in handy for wire transfers, direct deposit, online banking, automated clearing houses, electronic funds transfers, and other banking transactions.
If you don’t know the technicality of what a routing number is;
What is a Routing Number?
A routing Number is a 9-digit unique code assigned to all certified banks and financial institutions. You are prompted to enter your account routing number for making a payment online or by phone. It is also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number, or also an ABA routing number.
It also determines the state and area your account is opened.
The Square Cash app ecosystem is evolving rigorously. While the app was originally created to pay friends and family directly, it has since expanded and even has a Cash App debit card as you treat your Cash App balance the same way as your checking account balance.
Should I Know My Cash App Routing Number?
Yes, you should as it’s really helpful to know my Cash App routing number in certain situations.
It comes in handy, especially when I need to link my Cash App account to an external bank account or set up direct deposits. It’s like having the key to connect everything seamlessly.
Which Banks work With Cash App and Does it support my Accout and Routing number?
Cash App works with many major banks in the United States, and it typically supports linking to external bank accounts using your routing and account numbers.
- Chase
- Wells Fargo
- Bank of America
- PNC Bank
- TD Bank
- Fidelity
- SunTrust
- Navy Federal Credit Union
- Citibank
To see if your bank is supported and to confirm whether your routing number can be used with Cash App, follow these steps:
- Open the Cash App on your mobile device.
- Tap the “My Cash” tab.
- Scroll down and select “Add Bank.”
- Follow the prompts to search for your bank, and the app will guide you through the process of linking your account, which may include entering your routing and account numbers.
If your bank appears during this process, it’s likely that Cash App supports it, and you can use your routing number.
What if I Don’t Have a Routing Number in Cash App?
If you don’t have a routing number associated with your Cash App account and you believe you should follow these steps to fix it:
- Check Cash App Features: To find your routing number, follow these steps:
- Open the Cash App on your mobile device.
- Tap the “My Cash” tab.
- Scroll down to “Add Bank.”
- Search for your bank and follow the prompts. You may be required to order a Cash Card to access a routing number.
- Order a Cash Card: If you haven’t ordered a Cash Card, consider doing so. The routing number is typically associated with your Cash Card, which acts like a traditional bank account. So, it will be missing if you haven’t ordered one.
- Contact Cash App Support: I mean the safe bet is to reach out to Cash App customer support for assistance.
Square has added support for another new feature that supports direct deposits and can receive your paycheck or other transfers directly in the Cash app.
Each Cash app has its own unique routing numbers and your Cash App routing numbers are required to enable direct deposit and enjoy hassle-free check withdrawal service.
Cash app allows to receive and transfer money directly between users, friends, family, and relatives.
The app has even allowed buying and selling Bitcoin, Stocks through the app. Square Cash even has its own debit card that allows users to withdraw funds from their accounts via an ATM. The card is even customizable too.
You can locate your Cash App routing number if you already have an activated Cash Card associated with your Cash App account. A Cash App RTN is a location address to identify the place of the user’s Cash App account which is used to enable direct paycheck withdrawal service on your Cash App wallet.
If you have any trouble locating your RN, let us know in the comments below and we will try our best to get back to you.
Cash App Routing And Account Number

Cash App Routing number is 073923033 for Lincoln Savings Bank and 041215663 for Sutton Banks to streamline user transactions. To find your specific Cash App routing and account number: Go to your My Cash. Click on “Get Account Number”. Tap Enable account to view and copy.
Product Brand: Cash App
Product Currency: USD
Product Price: $0
Product In-Stock: InStock